Technical illustration
Technical illustrations communicate information of a technical nature, visually. They can represent complex wholes or individual minor components. They can be highly realistic perspective renderings or simple diagrammatic sketches used to conceptualise ideas and processes. They aim to convey specific technical information in a pictorial format to provide the user/viewer with a visualisation of a concept or process. Technical illustration conveys an overall impression of what an object is or does.

Core services
We create, edit, copy or convert any of the following and can output to virtually any format -

  • Maintenance and repair illustrations
  • Exploded-view parts illustrations
  • Operations illustrations
  • Cutaways
  • Phantom views
  • Schematic diagrams
  • CAD or photo to line art conversions
  • Wiring diagrams
  • Colour renderings
  • Legacy graphic format conversions
  • Integrated interactive dynamic elements and behaviours

Digital formats and interactivity
The W3C Organisation established a universal vector graphics format, Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), which is XML based, as a web standard, but browser manufacturers were slow to implement that technology. Presently, all modern browsers do provide support for the SVG specifications, however many people and organisations are still using old browsers. This situation may continue for several more years and for now, our solution is to use interactive vector graphics in Flash, a broadly used proprietary plug-in.

Interactive Technical Pty Ltd © 2012